

ArnoldiMethod.jl provides an iterative method to find a few approximate solutions to the eigenvalue problem in standard form:

\[Ax = x\lambda,\]

where $A$ is a general matrix of size $n \times n$; and $x \in \mathbb{C}^n$ and $\lambda \in \mathbb{C}$ are eigenvectors and eigenvalues respectively. By general matrix we mean that $A$ has no special structure. It can be symmetric or non-symmetric and either real or complex.

The method is matrix-free, meaning that it only requires multiplication with the matrix $A$.

The package exports just two functions:

See Using ArnoldiMethod.jl on how to use these functions.

What algorithm is ArnoldiMethod.jl?

The underlying algorithm is the restarted Arnoldi method, which be viewed as a mix between a subspace accelerated version of the power method and a truncated version of the dense QR algorithm.

Initially the method was based on the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method (or IRAM for short), which is the algorithm implemented by ARPACK. This method has a very elegant restarting scheme based on exact QR iterations, but is unfortunately susceptible to forward instabilities of the QR algorithm.

For this reason the Krylov-Schur method is currently embraced in this package, which is mathematically equivalent to IRAM, but has better stability by replacing exact QR iterations with a direct method that reorders the Schur form. In fact we see Krylov-Schur just as an implementation detail of the Arnoldi method.

What problems does this package solve specifically?

By design the Arnoldi method is best at finding eigenvalues on the boundary of the convex hull of eigenvalues. For instance eigenvalues of largest modulus and largest or smallest real part. In the case of complex matrices one can target eigenvalues of largest and smallest imaginary part as well.

The scope is much broader though, since there is a whole zoo of spectral transformations possible to find for instance interior eigenvalues or eigenvalues closest to the imaginary axis.

Further, one can solve generalized eigenvalue problems $Ax = Bx \lambda$ by applying a suitable spectral transformation as well. Also quadratic eigenvalue problems can be casted to standard form.

See Theory for more information.

Goal of this package: a pure Julia implementation

This project started with two goals:


An overview of what we have, how it's done and what we're missing.

Implementation details

Not implemented (yet) and future ideas

On my wish list is to allow custom vector or matrix types, so that we can delegate expensive but trivial work to hardware that can do it faster (distributed memory / GPU). The basic concept would be:

  1. The core Arnoldi method performs tedious linear algebra on the projected, low-dimensional problem, but finally just outputs a change of basis in the form of a unitary matrix Q.
  2. Appropriate hardware does the change of basis V := V * Q.

Similar things should happen for expansion of the subspace and orthogonalization.